Customer initiative creates new digitalization collaboration

Publicerad: tisdag 1 dec 2020

Thanks to an initiative from VMA, Västkustens Mark & Asfalt AB, a collaboration between Powel Construction and SkyMap has been initiated. The purpose is to connect both services to create an even better workflow for mutual customers.

– We already have great use of Powel’s Gemini Terrain and SkyMap Portal separately, but by connecting the services, our workflow would be simplified even more. By doing so, we can collect data with drones, process the drone images and generate a georeferenced digital twin. We can then directly continue the project planning, distribute the information to the machine control system, handle the quantity management and produce as-built documents. An optimized workflow will save time and make the result very visual, says Joachim Olsson, survey engineer at VMA and the first to identify the need.

Powel Construction is leading the market in their field and delivers Gemini Terrain which is used in most infrastructure projects in Norway and which is now being established increasingly in Sweden as well. SkyMap is the construction tech company that during its first five years has been focused on the Swedish market, but which recently opened up to Norway by implementing Norwegian coordinate systems in the SaaS platform SkyMap Portal.

– It will be a strength for both of us to be able to lead each other into each company’s strong market, while we, with a common concept, can also increase our competitiveness in our home market, says Joakim Jansson who is responsible for Powel Construction in Sweden.

– We see many similarities in our approaches as well as in our platforms. Both Powel Construction and SkyMap strive to contribute to the digitalization of the construction industry and to create greater mutual clarity and trust between clients and contractors. As an example, the clarity is created by a high degree of visualization in both platforms. In addition, they are characterized by simplicity and high user-friendliness. The similarities bode well for our collaboration, says Jon Bengtsson who is the CEO and founder of SkyMap.

– Committed customers who help us find potential for improvement and development opportunities are invaluable to us, and this is a very good example. Without the great commitment from Joachim at VMA, we probably would not have discovered this need, Joakim at Powel Construction concludes.

A number of mutual customers have been identified and the work now begins on laying the foundation for the upcoming integration between Gemini Terrain and SkyMap Portal.


Press contacts
Jon Bengtsson, SkyMap, +4673-502 21 32,
Joakim Jansson, Powel Construction, +4670-197 51 60,

About SkyMap
SkyMap develops web-based software that simplifies the construction and real estate industry with 3D visualization and drone technology. By visualizing and digitizing, from the first idea to the finished building and on to the management of the property, costly errors can be detected and avoided at an early stage, communication and cooperation are simplified and follow-up and documentation are quality assured. It increases productivity and creates security for both customers and contractors.

SkyMap Innovations AB is an entrepreneurial company from the heart of Småland in Sweden, sprung from surveying engineering and construction. Since the start in 2015, we have helped hundreds of customers in areas such as construction, civil engineering, surveying engineering, design, property management and public operations to simplify construction and increase the profitability of projects.